Chris Friel, Founder and COO of VoDaVi Technologies (VoDaVi) was featured in Boston Business Journals Leadership Trust’s Expert Panel discussing “15 signs it’s time to end a toxic client relationship”
“Business leaders often sink a lot of time and resources into building long-term relationships with clients, and rightfully so. However, there are times when clients end up being a bad fit, or worse, take advantage and abuse the partnership. That’s why it’s important to continually evaluate your client relationships to ensure they’re still the right fit for you and vice versa. To help, we asked 15 members of Business Journals Leadership Trust for signs a client relationship has turned toxic and needs to be ended. Here are some red flags to look out for.”
VoDaVi is a leading provider of Business Technology Solutions, as well as Professional and Managed IT Services to businesses, school systems, municipalities and non-profit organizations throughout New England. Our experts tailor individual solutions, approaches and resources to solve organizations business problems, achieve goals, and reduce overall technology costs with a proactive, preventative approach towards IT management.
Is your organizations seeking a reliable, trusting IT Partner? Contact VoDaVi!