Available Grants for Your Organization
Similar to municipalities, school districts and other Local Education Agencies (LEAs) in Massachusetts are eligible for federal funds to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, continued learning needs, and school safety. Most of these funds are distributed via the Commonwealth’s Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE).
Further information about each funding source, as well as links to additional resources about these programs, can be found in this section.
VoDaVi provides end-to-end Technology Consulting and Solutions to guide your district through the process and identify areas of need and find the right funding source for your specific needs!
The STOP School Violence Act of 2018 was created to improve school safety and security by providing students, teachers, and officers with the tools they need to recognize, respond quickly to, and prevent acts of violence.
The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) offers three-year grants to states, units of local government, tribal government, public agencies, and nonprofit entities that include private schools to improve security within and on K-12 school grounds through evidence-based school safety strategies and initiatives. These grant-funded projects can include:
Training school staff and educating students on preventing violence against others and themselves including specialized training in responding to mental health crises.
Implementing technology solutions, such as anonymous reporting systems for threats of school violence, including mobile telephone applications, hotlines, and internet websites.
Developing and operating school threat assessment and intervention teams.
RUS/ DLT Grant
RUS/DLT stands for Rural Utility Service and Distance Learning and Telemedicine Program. The RUS/DLT Grant is a federal grant funded by the USDA to implement distance learning solutions or telemedicine equipment.
This competitive program helps rural communities use advanced telecommunications technology
to connect to each other - and the world - overcoming the effects of remoteness and low population density.
The RUS department spearheads the project. The grant funds hardware, software, licenses, install, training, maintenance, and much more!
Historically, the RUS Grant funds up to 1 million dollars. The applicant is responsible for paying about 13% of the total approved budget.
The project is lead by the Rural Utilities Service,
so with this grant the more rural, impoverished,
and underserved an area is, the more likely they
are to get funded.
A general rule of thumb is to look at areas that
have a population of under 20,000. The lower
the population, the better the score.
Special Considerations- STEM, Substance
Abuse, Opioid Addiction, Tribal Lands, and more.
K-12 ESSER Funding
ESSER stands for the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund, a federal program administered by the Department of Education in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The program provides emergency financial assistance to public school districts across the country.
Every school within a district, regardless of its Title I status, is eligible to receive ESSER funding. Charter schools that belong to LEAs (local educational agencies) are eligible to receive ESSER funding as well..
To date, the government has signed three ESSER packages into law, totaling $189.5 billion:
ESSER I was approved in March 2020 for $13.5 billion
ESSER II was approved December 2020 for $54.3 billion
ESSER III was approved in March 2021 for $123 billion
The deadline for districts to spend the cumulative $128 billion that remains in ESSER money is September 2024.
EANS stands for Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools, a federal relief program approved by the Department of Education in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The program provides emergency financial assistance to eligible non-public schools across the country.
To date, the government has approved two rounds of EANS funding, totaling $5.5 billion.
EANS funding is broken into two allocations: EANS I and EANS II, each with $2.75 billion, and both prioritizing schools that enroll low-income students and are most impacted by COVID-19. EANS funding can be used for pre-award costs dating back to March 13, 2020, and must be fully expended by September 30, 2023.